The Covington-Cincinnati Suspension Bridge Committee was formed in 1975, the same year that the bridge was designated a National Historic Landmark. The committee incorporated in Kentucky as a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserve and enhance the bridge, as well as install and maintain the national and state flags atop the bridge towers. In 1984, our charter was amended to include the installation, maintenance, and continued operation of the bridge’s “necklace” lights.
The committee is made up of local citizen volunteers and does not have any paid staff members. We are always looking for new members who love the bridge as much as we do. If you would like to join our committee, please email our membership director, David Wetzel,
Officers are elected by the Board of Directors for two-year terms. The Board is comprised of nine members who serve staggered three-year terms. The board meets at least four times each year.
Bridge Committee President: Sherry Roth
Vice-President: Michelle Hughes
Treasurer: Ken Roth
Recording Secretary: Aaron Duesing
Historian: Don Heinrich Tolzmann
Directors: Mark Dunkelman, Robert Hans, David Wetzel, Jim Highfield, Dave Akers, Bill Krider, Tracy DeCourcy
Past Presidents: Ed Wimmer, Sr. (founder), Pat Dammert, Pat Coleman, Ed Wimmer, Jr., Julia Langsam, Robert Carter, Robert Wolnitzek, Ardath Abel, Mark Wolnitzek, Bob Armstrong, Ray Noll, Chris Payne, Carl Abel, Gerry Roberto, John Banner, Ralph Wolff, Anne Huddleston, Karen Shinkle, Henry Peters, Mark Roberto
Tax status
The Covington-Cincinnati Suspension Bridge Committee hereby certifies that we received official 501(c)3 status by the Internal Revenue Service allowing contributions from donors to qualify as tax deductions. Donors may deduct contributions to our organization as provided in section 170 of the code. Bequest, legacies, transfers, or gifts to our organization or for its use are tax deductible from federal and state gift tax purposes under provision 2055, 2106, and 25222 of the code. A determination letter issued in March 1982 granted our organization exemption from Federal and State taxes under our tax ID #31-0925693, section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. That letter is still in effect, and is accessible in the IRS book 78 under the charities and foundations qualifying for 501(c)3 status with the Internal Revenue Service.