Tim Meredith
Tim Meredith

Tim Meredith

Tim Meredith

Contest Winner 2019 -Professional - Wheel or Stadium Category
Susan Willin
Susan Willin

Susan Willin

Susan Willin

Contest Winner 2019 - Amateur - Black & White
Jennifer Haralamos
Jennifer Haralamos

Jennifer Haralamos

Jennifer Haralamos

Contest Winner 2019 - Professional - Black & White
Benjamin Wright
Benjamin Wright

Benjamin Wright

Benjamin Wright

Contest Winner 2019 - Amateur - Wheel or Stadium
Corrie Carswell
Corrie Carswell

Corrie Carswell

Corrie Carswell

Contest Winner 2022 - Amateur - Daytime
Tony Wagner
Tony Wagner

Tony Wagner

Tony Wagner

Contest Winner 2022 - Professional - Daytime

Photo Contest 2024 - "FOCUS on the Roebling"

The Covington-Cincinnati Suspension Bridge Committee (CCSBC) is looking for striking photographs, images and short videos for the Roebling Suspension Bridge Photo Contest. The contest will be held from July 1st through July 31st, 2024. Public voting for the winning photos will take place from August 15th through August 22nd, 2024.

The Public Voting is Complete

Thank you to everyone who submitted a photograph for the contest!

Thank you for coming back for the public voting!

The winning photos will be announced just as soon as the counts are made and verified.

Enter The Photo Contest

  • The contest is accepting photographs that include the Roebling Bridge in the Daytime and Nighttime categories, and AI generated images, short videos or a digital version of other creative entries that include the Roebling Bridge in the Open category. 
  • Enter one to three contest entries for a total $25 entry fee.
  • Youth entries are free!
  • Each participant will receive free newsletters from the Roebling Bridge Committee and have the option to attend the committee meetings and events.
  • Each participant will receive one print. Either one 8" X 10" print or one 8" X 12" print depending on the dimensions of the image.
  • Winners will be announced on this website and the winners will be contacted.

Contest Prizes

The Amateur and Professional First Place winners of each of the three categories will receive... 

  • An exclusive one hour trip together with the other winners to the top of the Roebling Suspension Bridge for a photo-shoot.

The Youth First Place winners of each of the three categories will receive...

  • A $100 VISA or gift card.*

All First Place winners will receive...

  • Their winning image printed on 16x20 photo paper formatted to the dimension of the image by Madison Photo Works.
Unfortunately individuals under 18 are not permitted by the state of Kentucky to climb to the top of the bridge tower.

Youth Contest Level!

The competition encourages photographers under 18 years old to compete.

Contest Categories


1. Daytime Photos

Daytime images with the Roebling Bridge in them. The bridge lights must be turned off for daylight photos. 

2. Nighttime Photos

Nighttime images with the Roebling Bridge in them. If the bridge lights are turned on in your photo, the image should be submitted in the Nighttime Photos category. 

3. Open Category

This is a new category in which a variety of types of items may compete. Item examples might include, short videos (15 seconds or less), AI generated images or something altogether different and creative. The works must contain digital image(s) or depictions of the bridge and must be file-based and uploaded on the contest entry form.

Participant Levels



Takes photos for fun. You have never sold any of your work or been published and/or featured in any magazines or media publications.


Takes photos to earn income. You have been hired to take photos. Your work has been purchased and/or you have been published in magazines or media publications. 


The contest has been extended to creators under 18 years of age. All creators under 18 will compete in the Youth participant level. 

The committee loves seeing all of your submitted photos from traditional to enhanced!

Contest Levels & Categories


There are three categories and two levels into which you may submit your photos this year. 

Contest Levels & Categories


There are three categories and two levels into which you may submit your photos this year. 

"Open" Category!

Embracing the new AI capabilities to create images and art, we have implemented a new "Open" category this year.
This category is open to your imagination. Submit photos, short videos, AI generated images or something else that is file-based and creative. Have fun with it!

Judging Process

  • A panel will evaluate the photos and videos that have been submitted and will narrow the list down to the best ten entries in each category.
  • The selected entries will be displayed here on this website.
  • The public will be invited to cast votes for the entries they like best.
  • The entry that receives the most votes in its category will be declared the category winner.  
  • The voting period will begin on August 15th and will remain open for seven days. 
  • Voters are limited to casting only one ballot in the contest for this year. 
  • Attempts to cast additional ballots will disqualify the ballots submitted by that person
  • Winners in the Youth division will be required to provide written permission from a parent/guardian to allow release of their name or likeness.
  • The ballot includes one vote in each category-level combination for a total of 9 votes.

    In the Daytime Category - you may vote for 1 amateur item, 1 professional item, and 1 youth item
    In the Nighttime Category - you may vote for 1 amateur item, 1 professional item, and 1 youth item
    In the Open Category - you may vote for 1 amateur item, 1 professional item, and 1 youth item

The Covington-Cincinnati Suspension Bridge Committee invites you to return here to cast your vote for the best photographs. Anyone may vote.

The winners will be contacted and their names will be posted here online.

Thank you for your participation in the photo contest!

Thanks to our Contest Sponsors


Get your work noticed! This is a great opportunity to earn recognition for your award-winning photography!

Contest Terms

  • Photos in the Daytime and Nighttime categories must be submitted by the photographer who took the photo and not processed with any AI tool. 
  • Videos must be submitted by the person who created the video.
  • Items submitted in the Open category must be submitted by the creator of the entry. The use of AI in the Open category is permitted and encouraged.
  • There are no date restrictions on photos.
  • Contest entries should not have been submitted to our contest in previous years.
  • Each applicant may submit up to, but no more than 3 items on a single contest submission.

  • Contestants may enter the contest multiple times if desired.
  • A person may win only one category.
  • Contest submissions must be made on this website, and the contest photos and videos must be uploaded.
  • Contest submissions must be submitted between 7/1/2024 through 7/31/2024.

  • Items submitted must contain the Roebling Suspension Bridge itself or any identifiable element of the bridge.
  • All Photos must be .jpg format and must meet file size requirements below:

    a. Preferably 1mb or larger with a maximum file size of 10 MB each.

    b.  There must not be a visible watermark or logo in the image. Images containing watermarks or logos will not be included in the contest and refunds will not be extended.
  • Videos must be 15 seconds or less and submitted in mp4 format.
  • You retain your rights to your photograph or video, however by entering the photo contest you grant CCSBC a royalty-free license to publicly display, distribute, and/or reproduce images and videos in a manner that supports the CCSBC mission.  Any photograph or video used will include a photographer credit as feasible.
  • Obey all laws while photographing the bridge for this contest. We do not and cannot give you special permission to stand in the road or to climb on any part of the bridge.
  • Items that were provided or obtained by illegal actions will be disqualified.
  • Youth will be required to provide proof of age in order to win.

Photo Clubs

Photo clubs are encouraged to share this opportunity with photographers. We'll mention your clubs here on the contest page.