The Covington-Cincinnati Suspension Bridge Committee (CCSBC) is a citizens group dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the John A. Roebling Bridge.

Learn more about what we do and please consider joining our efforts.

The John A. Roebling Bridge 

(Officially opened January 1, 1867) 

The John A. Roebling Bridge has been an iconic landmark over the Ohio River for more than 150 years. Designed by civil engineer John Roebling, the bridge officially opened to traffic on January 1, 1867. Its 1,075 foot span made it the longest bridge in the world.

The bridge is an engineering marvel that employed several new bridge-building techniques. Perhaps its most impressive features are the two primary cables, each containing 5,180 individual wires. The cables were “spun” in place using wire imported from England. A second set of cables was added in 1897 to support heavier loads.

In addition to being a National Historic Landmark, the bridge has been designated as a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Although the Roebling shares the riverfront with several bridges today, it remains a major thoroughfare for pedestrians and vehicles. Many residents use it to get to work each day, access the riverfront sports venues, and to reach the bars and restaurants in Covington and Cincinnati. 

We invite you to walk across the Roebling Bridge for an up-close look at its structure and the views offered along its span. 


Roebling News

Photo Contest Accepting Entries Now!

Mark Buelsing 0 0 Article rating: No rating

The annual Roebling Bridge photo contest is accepting photo submissions during the month of July, starting July 1st and ending on July 31st, 2024. This very popular photo contest of one of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky's most visible historical icons attracts photographers and photos of both amateurs and professionals alike. Capture a piece of history in your lens and submit your photo into the contest!

New Youth Participation Level

We are excited to announce a new competition division for youth aged under 18. Hello all you young creators, we invite you to step into the big leagues. Please enter the photo contest. You can enter for free!

New "Open" Category

If you love the bridge, but photography is not your preferred artistic expression, no problem!  Announcing the new "Open" category. Incorporate the bridge in your favorite art form and scan it or take a quality picture of it. Then submit your entry in the "Open" category. We'd love to have images of your artwork, painting, 15 second video, needle-point, sculptures, etc., and AI enhanced or AI produced images of the bridge. Don't hold back. Show us what you've got!

Suspension of disbelief: A Roebling Bridge research odyssey

Article in "Movers & Makers Cincinnati" Jan 9, 2024

Mark Buelsing 0 0 Article rating: No rating

Jump in to the deep end of discovery concerning water levels, bridge heights and fact vs. lore. Elizabeth Mariner has written a facinating article documenting all this, and her discovery process. This is a must-read for those who like the bridge as we see it today and like knowing how users of the bridge in the past experienced a different river than ours today. Exactly how high is the bridge? And how deep is the water below? Read and learn!

(Photo: Elizabeth Mariner)

Who keeps the Roebling Suspension Bridge beautiful?

Cincinnati Magazine, April 5, 2023

Mark Buelsing 0 0 Article rating: No rating

The Covington-Cincinnati Suspension Bridge Committee (CCSBC) receives some exposure from Sam Rosenstiel from The Cincinnati Magazine. His article details the beautification and maintenance work of the committee and a splash of bridge and John A. Roebling trivia.

Ralph Wolff, CCSBC former president, shares a refinement of this story:

The tour group that John Roebling brought from New York traveled by rail instead of by boat. This was in April 1869, nearly two years after Roebling had been named chief engineer for the proposed Brooklyn Bridge, and just nine weeks before the tragic mishap that would take his life.

John Roebling wanted these persons to see bridges he had designed and built at Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Niagara Falls. In Cincinnati, the contingent stayed at the Burnet House on Third Street and walked to the bridge on the morning after their arrival.

One of the group was Thomas Kinsella, Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle. He reported back to his readers that the bridge at Cincinnati was "the stateliest and most splendid evidence of genius, enterprise, and skill it has been my lot to see."

Use the Read More button to view the article.


““… this bridge, when constructed, will possess great claims as a national monument. As a splendid work of art and as a remarkable specimen of the modern engineering and construction, it will stand unrivaled upon the continent. Its gigantic features will speak loudly in favor of the energy and enterprise of its possession.””

John A. Roebling, 1846


Take the Virtual Tour

Hear some interesting history and stories about key parts of the bridge.

Take the virtual tour.

Your donations keep the lights shining and the flags flying.






The CCSBC welcomes cash or electronic donations to support the work of the Committee. Please donate online using the button above.


The John A. Roebling Bridge Webcam

The webcam is powered by EarthCam and is sponsored by the Covington-Cincinnati Suspension Bridge Committee and Corporex.